Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Another Celebration!

We received an email from my Mother in Law today letting us know that there will be a family celebration in July. That's when Cousin Zoe's Red Egg and Ginger party will be held in San Francisco! Here's a bit of information about traditional Red Egg and Ginger celebrations:

The traditional Chinese baby naming ritual, the Red Egg and Ginger Party, is a very old and honored ceremony that gives a child his/her name and serves to introduce the baby to the world.

Eggs were considered a delicacy in traditional China and were usually reserved for special occasions or guests. One month after a child is born, hard-boiled eggs (symbolizing fertility) were dyed red (for good luck) and given to family, friends and relatives who had honored the child's birth.

Given the complexities of modern life and the changing dynamics of Chinese American families, the party can't always be held within the first 1-3 months of a child's life. Zoe will be 7 months old at her party. Josie was 15 months old at hers!

However, a new child is always cause for celebration and James' parents have been so generous in seeing to it that all their grandchildren have had one of these celebrations. It is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to catch up with our extended family members.

We are very blessed in the fact that we have a very large extended family on James' side, most of whom reside in the San Francisco Bay Area. They have shared so much with both Maddie and Josie - Maddie is especially proud of her Chinese heritage. When she tells people she is 'half Chinese', she get a few incredulous looks...What part of the blond haired, green eyed girl is Chinese?!?!? James & I take this as the highest form of complement - we are successfully raising her in a dual culture family. We expect that Josie will have this same pride in her culture and in her family.

Zoe's Red Egg & Ginger party will be held at James' Aunt Hang Haeng's Pearl City Restaurant in San Francisco's Chinatown in late July. We are looking forward to meeting the newest member of our family!

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