Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunday Morning

I get a lot of comments along the line of, "Where is James?" or "The kids are great, but what's James up to?"

Well, here's the answer! James spends his workdays in peaceful solitude, working his butt off so that Josie, Maddie and I can play with cameras, digital camcorders and blogs. On the weekends, he spends his two days off being bossed around by the women in his life. I always have a "honey-do" list, Maddie always has a scheme to get Dad out to the mall and Josie, well - she's just a pushy little imp that none of us can resist.

As Josie becomes more 'vocal', I'm becoming much more adept at making movies. So, here's one from this morning that captures James' "relaxing" Sunday Morning...

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