This morning James & I attended the Open House for Josie's new pre-school. It went really well. Josie seemed to be very comfortable and started engaging with the other kids right away.
Josie has been at home with me for the past 2 years. The only time she gets to see other kids is when we take her to the Kid's Zone at the gym or when she visits with Joey. I've never hired a babysitter for her - leaving her only with family members if needed. She really needs this pre-school... and I really need a cry! My baby princess is on her way !
She is a very smart and sweet girl... and she is also very assertive. I'm choosing my words carefully here because as the mother of two daughters, I know that labels are dangerous. Girls are called 'bossy' when exhibiting the same behavior that merits a boy being called a 'leader'. Go figure. Anyway, I embrace both my girls strengths.
Here's a few photos I was able to get while all the parents stood around getting acquainted:
Josie - Just like her Dad. (She found the toy cars right away!)
Playdoh seemed to be the most popular attraction at the Open House..
And here is Josie's teacher: Mrs. J. She seems very nice and able to handle the group. (A far better woman than I !! )
This is the beginning of the end for James & I... at least where children are concerned. Maddie has started High School (it's going REALLY WELL!) and now Josie is off to classes. I'm sad but relieved. Josie is my last child. Although we have quite a few years until we send her off to college, it makes me a bit sad that the journey has begun.
Awwwww.. there goes your baby. :( At least you have a while before she moves OUT. That's so hard!!!
I hear ya friend. Time is not friendly when raising our children.
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